Tag: introspection

  • Is Adultery Really “No Big Deal”?

    Is Adultery Really “No Big Deal”?

    Have you ever wondered these days, how common adultery has become? It’s everywhere, isn’t it? So called celebrities preaching, “sexual adultery is NOT adultery”, or rise of ‘Open-marriages’. And while some people might argue that it’s no big deal or not even a crime, which I completely agree, I can’t help but feel deeply concerned…

  • The Bhagavad Gita’s Secret to Courage and Humility

    The Bhagavad Gita’s Secret to Courage and Humility

    Bhagavad Gita – A timeless ancient book of wisdom – has a concept of ‘cyclic time’. It explains ‘time’ as cycle – something that has no beginning or end. In explaining ‘time’, Bhagvat Gita says that, “All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.” Recently Sam Altman tweeted the same,…

  • Quarter-Life Crisis: When You’re Too Old for Snapchat But Too Young to Afford a Retirement Home

    Hey there, I hope this letter finds you all in a state of utter brilliance and questionable sanity. So, I’ve been trying to sort myself out lately. It’s like looking at a puzzle with missing pieces, trying to piece together who I am and where I’m headed. And let me tell you, it’s tough, especially…

  • Solitreat


    Solitreat (noun): (Made from two words : Solitude and Retreat) A tranquil and secluded place or experience sought out for the purpose of introspection, reflection, and personal renewal, often away from the demands and distractions of daily life. I disappear to meet myself again.I retreat to gather reinforcements for my soul,To get back up and…

  • A Mild Breeze

    (A small poem to remind you to take things slowly and steadily) A mild breeze comes through from my window What is it trying to tell me? “Look at me, I am freedom, I flow and I care less, I am order and I am mess” Am I listening to it carefully? As it whispers…

  • The positive side of Regrets

    Nobody likes regrets. Nobody likes their chest getting heavy every time they think about their past. Nobody likes to remember those ugly or sad memories. People disrelish regret. At the same time, they love to have them. They love to run imaginary scenarios in their head and overthink and then repent as they come back…

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