Is Adultery Really “No Big Deal”?

Have you ever wondered these days, how common adultery has become? It’s everywhere, isn’t it? So called celebrities preaching, “sexual adultery is NOT adultery”, or rise of ‘Open-marriages’.

And while some people might argue that it’s no big deal or not even a crime, which I completely agree, I can’t help but feel deeply concerned about it.

I mean, sure, it’s not like I’m trying to preach from some moral high ground here. We all make mistakes, right? But the thing is, adultery doesn’t just affect the two people involved—it rips through families like a tornado, leaving destruction in its wake.

Think about it: imagine someone dies in the family. It’s like a punch to the gut, right? There is sadness all over the place. And it’s not just the sadness of losing someone suddenly; it’s like this never-ending cloud of gloom hanging over everything. It takes time, but eventually every family heals from the loss.

Now, imagine that same sadness of losing a family member looming over the family forever. That’s what happens in the aftermath ever since one of the spouse finds out that the other one cheated on them.

A husband-wife relationship is broken beyond repair. It destroys both of them, one with disloyalty and the other with guilt. The spouse who gets cheated on initially resists the temptation to think that it’s because of them that the other one cheated. But soon, thoughts like “am I not capable” or “am I not good enough” start to linger. These self-doubts eventually lead to a blame-game, filled with hate and disrespect for the other. Soon enough, it doesn’t just remain about them

Kids see their parents’ relationship crumble, and it messes with their heads big time. Kids are little sponges, soaking up everything around them. They see the fighting, the awkward silences, the constant tension. Their innocent view of love and relationships gets twisted. Fear and suspicion replace the security a happy family provides. The idea of love becomes synonymous with pain and failure. They start to think that relationships are nothing but trouble, that they can’t trust anyone.

And here’s the kicker: this stuff doesn’t just stay within the walls of one family. It seeps out into society, creating this ripple effect of dysfunction. Dysfunctional families raise dysfunctional kids, who grow up to be adults with their own set of issues. And before you know it, you’ve got a whole bunch of emotionally bruised people wandering around, wondering why they can’t seem to make anything work.

Now, I’m not saying that adultery should be thrown in the same category as murder or robbery, but it’s not exactly harmless either. It’s like a tiny crack in the foundation of society, slowly spreading until the whole thing comes crashing down.

So yeah, maybe it’s time we started taking this stuff a bit more seriously. Maybe it’s time we started thinking about the bigger picture and how our actions affect not just ourselves, but everyone around us. Because at the end of the day, the question we really need to ask ourselves is this: is a fleeting moment of pleasure really worth all the pain it causes?

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